Starting Your Own Business
The 8 Most Important Steps To Start Your Own Business
Starting your own enterprise is one of the best ways of improving
your income. A well-established enterprise has the ability to compete
favorably with other enterprises in the same market. To start your own
successful enterprise, there are 8 important steps you need to follow.
Starting with number 1 below!
1. Create a Business Idea
This first step will determine the success or failure of your
enterprise. You need to come up with a viable idea that will stand the
test of time. A simple way to form a good idea is to conduct a market
research in the area where you want to establish the enterprise.
Identify a commodity or service that is on high demand yet scarcely
supplied. It is possible that you may not be able to create a completely
new idea. If you want to sell what already exists in the market, check
how other players in the same industry deliver their services. You need
to think on how to deliver the same services in a better way to win
customers. Also, assess the strengths and weaknesses of your idea to
determine its feasibility.
2. Draw a Business Plan
Even if you are setting up the enterprise alone, having the plan
helps you to address important issues that determine your success in the
industry. The plan will help you to:
• Know your potential clients
• Understand the purpose of your enterprise
• Know your competitors
• Set prices for your products or services
• Set your enterprise in the most appropriate location
• Project the financial position of your enterprise
• Know the cost of setting up the enterprise
3. Select a Suitable Tax Model
An enterprise model is important because it determines the amount of
tax you pay. You need to learn the advantages and disadvantages of each
model before choosing appropriately. Common models include limited
liability companies, partnerships, and sole-proprietorships.
4. Get Money & Obtain Funds
The first source of funds for your enterprise is your own savings. If
your savings are not enough for your startup budget, you can look for
funds from banks, investors, well-wishers, friends, and relatives. Look
for banks that fund startups in your locality. Some investors may demand
a stake in the business. Be sure to understand the terms of the
agreement clearly.
5. Build Your Infrastructure and Team
Your new enterprise needs equipment and structures to run. If you
planned to rent or hire the structures and equipment, do as planned.
Additionally, running your enterprise alone is not possible in most
cases. You will need a competent team. The size of the team may depend
on various factors, including the model and size of the enterprise. For
proper operation, divide your team into various departments. Important
departments for startups may include marketing, operations, finance, and
6. Complete Necessary Paperwork And Obtain Licenses
You will need to register your startup and obtain a license to ensure
its existence is legal. Registration and licensing requirements may
vary by state. Be sure to know the requirements in your state.
7. Get Insurance For Your Business
Obtaining a suitable insurance for your startup ensures the
enterprise is protected from possible losses in future. You need to
compare various insurance companies to ensure you select one that suits
your enterprise.
8. Build Your Customer Base
The size of your client base will determine your sales. To build a
large and stable client base, you need to properly market your
enterprise. You can achieve this through the following ways:
• Advertisement on social media platforms
• Telling your friends, relatives, neighbors, and other potential customers about your newly established enterprise
• Advertisement in your local media including, T.Vs and newspapers
• Sending out your marketing team to move around and notify people about your new enterprise
• Hiring a marketing firm to market the enterprise
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